Working on R&D (2020-2021)

Redmine R&D project with Ezi-Technologies. on tabtu

Map Report: (2020.11 – 2021-03)

  • Drawing by map and generate report by current.
  • E-Chart show result by searching cities and communities.
  • Line or Bar grown chart by timing, 2017-01 to current.
  • Calculator on serverless platform. .Net5, C#

Source Distribution System: (2021.04 – 2021.10) continue

  • Call CodeDom on EntityFramework4.8 from .Net5, since it does not support current library yet.
  • Multi-Thread and Asynchronous programming.
  • Capture data from TREB, downloader can be any type.
  • File driver on RETS and Competive types.
  • SQL driver on creating and editing RD tables.
  • Injection into distributed memories and programs.
  • Distributed Deployment.

IOS / Android Native Client: (2019.11 – 2020.10)

  • WkWebView on IOS Swift.
  • APNS notification service.
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  • AgentWeb on Android Java.
  • Firebase notification center with Google.
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  • React view engine. Compitable with C#MVC or MVVM.
  • Sharing interface with Wechat and Facebook.

APIs Facility Architecture: (2019.03 – 2021.03)

  • Update service to .Net5
  • Re-write notification services by CORE or newer version.
  • Working with sc tool on installing window services.
  • Optimize APSL reporting algorithm and memories.

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